Monday, February 10, 2025

No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags 0002A1A1 ServoDiscSlip Time = 0000003A

 No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags 0002A1A1
ServoDiscSlip Time = 0000003A

Seagate HDD Firmware Repair and Data Recovery Steps

1, Select correct family ID: M11(A1) and Enter   Seagate HDD Firmware Repair and Data Recovery Software(no need to power on);
2, Backup ROM;
3, Generate unlock ROM;
4, Write unlock ROM;
5, Power off and on and send unlock Key;
6, Backup NGlist and other important SYS files;
7, Clear G-list;
8, Regenerate translator;
9, Initialize by ID(COM);
10,Power off and on and send unlock key;
11,Fix the wrong data/data offset issue;
12,Enter   data recovery software and all lost data was available for immediate data recovery.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

  64 |  227 | 6.66 s | 4000401217FFDFF | 51043746 | Load GPD-List (13A)(FM ERR NOT FOUND IN DIR)
 83 |  223 | 7.70 s | 4288421EDFFFDFF | 51043D9C | End Process 190(GPD-List (13A) not found)    

Zero LBA area count..................... : 296 (45.431%)


DCM in module 47........................ : Module ID 47 reading error Device Error Detected: "VSC error code: BE01 : UNKNOWN ERRORS RANGE" 

68 |  227 | 4.47 s | 14000401217FFDFF | 51043746 | Load GPD-List (13A)(FM ERR NOT FOUND IN DIR)
 89 |  223 | 5.41 s | 1C2884216FFFFDFF | 51043D9C | End Process 190(GPD-List (13A) not found)   

No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags 0002A1A1

Thursday, January 30, 2025

   Model : ST500LM021-1KJ152   Serial : W62HMS51 Firmware : 0005SDM1 Capacity : 500 GB (976 773 168)

    Model : ST500LM021-1KJ152
  Serial : W62HMS51
Firmware : 0005SDM1
Capacity : 500 GB (976 773 168)

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Model : WDC WD40EDAZ-11U78B0

 Model : WDC WD40EDAZ-11U78B0
 Serial : WD-WX82DA169J7L
Firmware : 80.00A80
Capacity : 4 TB (7 814 037 168)



60 |  20C |  5.45 s |  C0004012106CDFF | 51043307 | OVL_POWERUP_LOAD_DRM_FILES(SMART DRM LOAD DISABLED)                            
 68 |  227 |  5.71 s |  C000401213FFDFF | 51043746 | Load GPD-List (13A)(FM ERR NOT FOUND IN DIR)                                   
 76 |  21C | 11.88 s |  C00042129BFFDFF | 514051A2 | OVL_POWERUP_LOAD_CLDFH_LOG_DATA(DISK ECU UNSAFE ERROR)                         
 89 |  223 | 13.21 s | 1C288421AFBFFDFF | 51043D9C | End Process 190(GPD-List (13A) not found)                                      
 91 |  236 | 13.30 s | 1C288421AFBFFDFF | 51049447 | POWERUP_NV_EGRESS_INIT_COMPLETE(VSC error code: 9447 : NV EGRESS ERRORS RANGE)

ST4000LM024-2AN17V Patient HDD Failure Symptoms


Patient HDD iD:
Model Number: ST4000LM024-2AN17V

Patient HDD Failure Symptoms:
Busy, Undetected, Nohost, Wrong Data Area

COM Terminal Error Messages:

‘Boot 0x80M

Rst 0x80M
[RSO is disabled]

(P) SATA Reset

No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags 0002A1A1
ServoDiscSlip Time = 00000039’

Seagate HDD Firmware Repair and Data Recovery Steps

1, Select correct family ID: M11(A1) and Enter DFL Seagate HDD Firmware Repair and Data Recovery Software(no need to power on);
2, Backup ROM;
3, Generate unlock ROM;
4, Write unlock ROM;
5, Power off and on and send unlock Key;
6, Backup NGlist and other important SYS files;
7, Clear G-list;
8, Regenerate translator;
9, Initialize by ID(COM);
10,Power off and on and send unlock key;
11,Fix the wrong data/data offset issue;
12,Enter DFL-DDP data recovery software and all lost data was available for immediate data recovery

Monday, January 27, 2025

   Model : WDC WD60EDAZ-11U78B0

    Model : WDC WD60EDAZ-11U78B0
  Serial : WD-WX22D6387LC6
Firmware : 80.00A80
Capacity : 6 TB (11 721 045 168)

Thursday, December 26, 2024

   Model : ST3160215AS   Serial : 5RA3G5JV Firmware : 4.AAB Capacity : 160 GB (312 581 808)

    Model : ST3160215AS
  Serial : 5RA3G5JV
Firmware : 4.AAB
Capacity : 160 GB (312 581 808)

Monday, December 9, 2024

Model : ST1000DM003-1ER162

 P- Model : ST1000DM003-1ER162
  Serial : Z4Y1RZMG
  Firmware : CC43
  Capacity : 1 000 GB (1 953 525 168)

PreampType: D0 67
Servo FW Rev: B64C



F3 T>
Status 0001 Req 0027
GrenadaBP2 LuxorLite 1.0, 1MB Flash, ABIE, PBASeed, DFW, SDnD
Product FamilyId: 58, MemberId: 06
HDA SN: Z4Y1RZMG, RPM: 7199, Wedges: 188, Heads: 2, OrigHeads: A, Lbas: 00000E8E0DB8, PreampType: D0 07
Bits/Symbol: C, Symbols/UserSector: BEB, Symbols/SystemSector: 1A5
PCBA SN: 0000R506DLPG, Controller: LUXORLLITE_1_0( 205)(FF-FF-FF-F, Channel: STX_DUNRAVEN, PowerAsic: Unknown Rev 00, BufferBytes: 4000000
Package Version: G2AED3006.CCD4.GG08DY.CC43    , Package P/N: 100746617, Package Global ID: 00410638,
Package Build Date: 01/02/2014, Package Build Time: 13:56:38, Package CFW Version: G2AED3006.CCD4.GG08DY.00647538.00410638.CC43    ,
Package SFW1 Version: D64C, Package SFW2 Version: B64C, Package SFW3 Version: C64C, Package SFW4 Version: ----
Controller FW Rev: 01021356, CustomerRel: CC43, Changelist: 00647538, ProdType: G2AED30.CCD4QC, Date: 01/02/2014, Time: 135638, UserId: 00410638
Servo FW Rev: B64C
TCG IV Version: n/a
Package BPN: 35
RAP FW Implementation Key: 16, Format Rev: 0005, Contents Rev: 06 03 01 00
QNR Container: 0
- Quadradic Equation AFH enabled
- VBAR with adjustable zone boundaries enabled
- Volume Based Sparing enabled
- IOEDC enabled
- IOECC enabled
- DERP Read Retries enabled v.
- LTTC-UDR2 disabled
- SuperParity disabled
- Humidity Sensor disabled
- Background Reli Activity Critical Event Logging disabled
- Torn Write Protection enabled
Spinning Down

Spin Down Complete
Elapsed Time 7.569 secs
Delaying 5000 msec

Jumping to Power On Reset
Boot 0x40M
 Spin Up

Tech Unlock Handshake: 0x

Friday, December 6, 2024


  Model : ST1000LM035-1RK172
  Serial : WKPPZ
  Firmware : 1002
  Capacity : 1 000 GB (1 953 525 168)




Wednesday, December 4, 2024


    Model : WDC WD20SDRW-11VUUS0
  Serial : WD-WXK2A33F4ZCC
Firmware : 01.01A01
Capacity : 2 TB (3 906 963 632)

Thursday, November 28, 2024

WD USB to SATA Conversion Compatible PCB Guide

 Hi guys, I know this information isn't new as it was already posted by Acelabs, but I'd like to have a sticky thread about this for quick reference. Here's a list of SATA compatible boards for WD My Passports, My Elements, etc. that have a native USB port:

701605 - 701499
701615 - 701499
701635 - 701572
701650 - 701499
701675 - 701672, 701609, or 771672
771737 - 701692 or 771692
771754 - 701692 or 771692
771761 - 771692
771801 - 771823
771814 - 771820
771859 - 771852
771939 - 771959
771949 - 771959, 771931 or 771939 (771960 works electronically, but doesn't fit physically)
771961 - 771960, , 771933, 771939, or 771959
771962 - 771931 or 771959 (771960 works electronically, but doesn't fit physically)
771817 - 771820
800038 - 800025
800041 - 800022-000 (for 3Tb) 800022-002 (for 4Tb)
800069 - 800066 (confirmed) or possibly 800052 (??? unconfirmed ???)
800067 - 800065 (Requires Unlocked PCB)
810003 - 800065 (Unlocked)

Please post updates below and I'll update the list. Thanks!

Revised: April 27th 2022

 SIM Error 3005 LBA 0000000000013CB4 FD FC378093
 RW Error 00000080
DOS:0 Scan Unit

   Model : ST1000LM035-1RK172
  Serial : WCB0V6PM
Firmware : SBM3
Capacity : 1 000 GB (1 953 525 168)

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


    Model : TOSHIBA MQ04UBF100
  Serial : 33HPP0KXT
Firmware : JU0B0U2J
Capacity : 1 000 GB (1 953 525 168)

Techno On............................... : Ok
Zone table.............................. : Ok
Cyl num................................. : 369 474
Head num................................ : 2
Vendor.................................. : TOSHIBA
Model................................... : MQ04ABF100
Microcode............................... : JU0B0U2J
Defects in G-List....................... : 12803
CP Avalable............................. : 224
Techno ON............................... : Ok
P-List decode error: unexpected error: This P-List can`t be decoded
Translator initialization error. Cleared translator will be used!
Techno ON............................... : Ok
P-List decode error: unexpected error: This P-List can`t be decoded
Translator initialization error. Cleared translator will be used!
Data access mode setting................ : UDMA 100
Techno ON............................... : Ok
Data access mode setting................ : UDMA 100
Reading CP
Into folder............................. : <HDD Profile>\Data\CP
CP 0033................................. : Ok
CP 0034................................. : Ok
CP 0044................................. : Ok
CP 0056................................. : Ok
CP 0092................................. : Ok
CP 0095................................. : Ok
CP 0098................................. : Ok
CP 009A................................. : Ok
CP 009C................................. : Ok
CP 00A2................................. : Ok
CP 00A5................................. : Ok
CP 00A7................................. : Ok
CP 00A8................................. : Ok
CP 00A9................................. : Ok
CP 00AA................................. : Ok
CP 00AD................................. : Ok
CP 00AE................................. : Ok
CP 00B1................................. : Ok
CP 00B3................................. : Ok
CP 00BF................................. : Ok
CP 00C1................................. : Ok
CP 00C5................................. : Ok
CP 00C6................................. : Ok
CP 00C7................................. : Ok
CP 00C8................................. : Ok
CP 00C9................................. : Ok
CP 00CB................................. : Ok
CP 00CD................................. : Ok
CP 00D0................................. : Ok
CP 00D1................................. : Ok
CP 00D3................................. : Ok
CP 00D4................................. : Ok
CP 00D6................................. : Ok
CP 00D7................................. : Ok
CP 00D9................................. : Ok
CP 00DA................................. : Ok
CP 00DB................................. : Ok
CP 00DC................................. : Ok
CP 00EF................................. : Ok
CP 00F1................................. : Ok
CP 00F3................................. : Ok
CP 00F4................................. : Ok
CP 00F7................................. : Ok
CP 00F8................................. : Ok
CP 00FA................................. : Ok
CP 00FB................................. : Ok
CP 00FC................................. : Ok
CP 00FE................................. : Ok
CP 00FF................................. : Ok
CP 0101................................. : Ok
CP 0102................................. : Ok
CP 0103................................. : Ok
CP 0105................................. : Ok
CP 0106................................. : Ok
CP 0107................................. : Ok
CP 0108................................. : Ok
CP 0109................................. : Ok
CP 010A................................. : Ok
CP 010B................................. : Ok
CP 010C................................. : Ok
CP 010D................................. : Ok
CP 010E................................. : Ok
CP 010F................................. : Ok
CP 0113................................. : Ok
CP 0114................................. : Ok
CP 0115................................. : Ok
CP 0117................................. : Ok
CP 011C................................. : Ok
CP 011D................................. : Ok
CP 011E................................. : Ok
CP 011F................................. : Ok
CP 0122................................. : Ok
CP 0124................................. : Ok
CP 0125................................. : Ok
CP 0126................................. : Ok
CP 0127................................. : Ok
CP 012C................................. : Ok
CP 0130................................. : Ok
CP 0131................................. : Ok
CP 0136................................. : Ok
CP 0137................................. : Ok
CP 0200................................. : Ok
CP 0201................................. : Ok
CP 0202................................. : Ok
CP 0203................................. : Ok
CP 0204................................. : Ok
CP 0205................................. : Ok
CP 0206................................. : Ok
CP 0207................................. : Ok
CP 0220................................. : Ok
CP 0221................................. : Ok
CP 0222................................. : Ok
CP 0223................................. : Ok
CP 0224................................. : Ok
CP 0225................................. : Ok
CP 0226................................. : Ok
CP 0227................................. : Ok
CP 0230................................. : Ok
CP 0231................................. : Ok
CP 0232................................. : Ok
CP 0233................................. : Ok
CP 0234................................. : Ok
CP 0235................................. : Ok
CP 0236................................. : Ok
CP 0237................................. : Ok
CP 0240................................. : Ok
CP 0241................................. : Ok
CP 0242................................. : Ok
CP 0243................................. : Ok
CP 0244................................. : Ok
CP 0245................................. : Ok
CP 0246................................. : Ok
CP 0247................................. : Ok
CP 0250................................. : Ok
CP 0251................................. : Ok
CP 0252................................. : Ok
CP 0253................................. : Ok
CP 0254................................. : Ok
CP 0255................................. : Ok
CP 0256................................. : Ok
CP 0257................................. : Ok
CP 02A0................................. : Ok
CP 02A1................................. : Ok
CP 02A2................................. : Ok
CP 02A3................................. : Ok
CP 02A4................................. : Ok
CP 02A5................................. : Ok
CP 02A6................................. : Ok
CP 02A7................................. : Ok
CP 02C0................................. : Ok
CP 02C1................................. : Ok
CP 02C2................................. : Ok
CP 02C3................................. : Ok
CP 02C4................................. : Ok
CP 02C5................................. : Ok
CP 02C6................................. : Ok
CP 02C7................................. : Ok

Monday, November 25, 2024

Raminfotech Data Recovery - Google My Business



 Google My Business chennai

  • Business name
  • Addres
  • Phone number
  • url 
  • Dess
  • Are
  • Service Name
  • Produ Name List
  • Post
  • Review Link
  • Website

Map : Vadapalani Adyar Porur Tambaram Madipakkam Anna Nagar  -OMR _Velachery Villivakkam 



 Adyar -11

Porur -63

Tambaram-lan  64 Ac

 Madipakkam 43

Ambattut  53

Guduvacehry 53

Anna Nagar   53


OMR- 113

Velachery -velachery 2

Villivakkam  Lan





{Business name} is a {primary business category} located in {location}. For over {years in business}, our team has provided {target product / service} including {target product / service #2}, {target product / service #2}, and {target product / service #3}. {Mission statement}


Raminfotech Data Recovery is a trusted data recovery service provider located in Chennai, serving customers since 2007. We specialize in recovering data from a wide range of devices, including hard drives, RAID systems, SSDs, desktops, laptops, MacBooks, and more. Our expertise extends to recovering photos, videos, audio files, and data from CCTV/DVR systems.We handle data recovery for various storage mediums such as:Hard Drives Solid-State Drives (SSD)External Hard Drives Pen Drives SD Cards Additionally, we offer advanced recovery services,including:Ransomware Recovery Email Recovery Database Recovery Disk Decryption Onsite Recovery With over 600 successful cases solved annually, we are dedicated to providing efficient and reliable data recovery solutions tailored to meet your needs. 


Hard Disk Data Recovery


Get Back Your HDD Data: Industry Leader with Best Success Rate


Stellar is India’s leading HDD recovery service, specializing in data recovery from dead HDD, internal hard disks of laptops, desktops, PCs, external hard drives, and USB drives. With the industry’s highest success rate, our experts ensure your data is in trusted hands.

External HDD Data Recovery


Our experts perform data recovery from all external hard drives. If your external drive is not detecting or making noise, contact us for data recovery.



Laptop & Desktop HDD Data Recovery

Data recovery for all top laptop hard drives. We handle accidental deletion, encrypted drives, and non-booting drives, recovering data from any situation.

Fusion HDD Data Recovery


Our data recovery professional can recover data from all fusion hard drives, from 250 GB to 4 TB. Trust our experts for complex data loss recovery.


Comprehensive Hard Disk Recovery Services for All Types of HDDs 

Our expert data recovery engineers recover data from all types of hard disks, including internal and external hard drives. We work with popular brands like Western Digital®, Seagate®, Samsung®, Transcend®, Toshiba®, and more. Additionally, we handle a wide range of hard drive interfaces, such as SATA, eSATA, and USB, ensuring industry-leading success rates.



Best Laptop Data Recovery Service

Retrieve Your Lost Laptop Data – Service for HDD & SSD

We specialize in retrieving data from 2.5-inch internal hard drives, SSDs, and laptops with in-built data storage chips. Each storage type requires a unique recovery approach, and our skilled team is experienced in handling all types of data losses from laptop storage. As the top choice for laptop data recovery in India, we excel in retrieving lost files from all types of laptops.

2.5 Inch HDD Laptop Recovery

2.5-inch hard drives are the standard in most laptops. We restore data from these internal Hard drives.

2.5 Inch, M2, mSATA SSD

Modern laptops feature various types of SSDs, and we specialize in recovering data from all type of laptop SSDs.

In-Built SSD Data Recovery

Compact laptops come with built-in SSDs, making data recovery from these devices highly complex.

MacBook Data Recovery

We recover data from all Apple laptops, including MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and MacBook Mini.






MacBook Data Recovery-Head

MacBook® Air Recovery

Expert recovery for all MacBook® Air models, handling SSD failures and data loss with care

Mac & MacBook® Pro Recovery

Reliable data recovery for MacBook® Pro, covering all models and data loss scenarios.

iMac® Recovery

Efficient data recovery for iMacs®, restoring lost files from any model or configuration


                          SSD Data Recovery

Professional Services to recover data from M2, PCIe, NVMe, SATA, SAS - SSD Data Recovery Experts

Recover Data From SSD - Unmatched Expertise

Our expertise in recovering data from undetectable SSDs is unmatched and unparalleled. We boast the highest success rate in the industry, handling all types of data loss scenarios. Equipped with cutting-edge recovery technology and a team of highly trained specialists, we excel in retrieving data from all SSD types, including SATA, NVMe, M.2, and PCIe drives.

M.2 SATA SSD Data Recovery

Our specialized tools recover data from M.2 SATA SSDs, handling controller failures, firmware corruption, and logical errors.

M.2 PCIe NVMe Drive Recovery

We recover data from NVMe SSDs, addressing PCIe, controller, and NAND chip issues.

Enterprise SSD RAID Recovery

We recover data from SSD RAID arrays, fixing misalignment and failures.


Expert Recovery for All Internal and External SSDs

Recovering data from SSDs is a complex process that demands specialized techniques and advanced technology. Our data recovery engineers possess in-depth knowledge of SSD storage structures and have mastered the skills required to recover data from dead SSD,M.2 SATA and M.2 PCIe NVMe PCI-based drives. With a proven track record, we have successfully recovered data from SSDs produced by top manufacturers such as Western Digital®, Seagate®, , Kingston®, Intel®, Samsung®, and more. Our data recovery services are safe, secure, and 100% confidential.

Removable Data Recovery

Professional Services to recover data from all external flash devices.


Recover Data from Removable Storage Media-India’s No. 1 Service

Stellar® Data Recovery Service is the one-stop solution to all your data recovery problems. Our experts recover data from removable storage devices, such as USB drives, flash drives, floppy disks, ZIP drives, DVDs/CDs, VCDs, and memory sticks. If you can’t access your data on any of these media devices, contact us for a quick recovery. Expect swift service, and industry-leading customer service every time.

Pen Drive Data_____________

Complete Solution for Pen Drive Data Recovery 

We offer a comprehensive array of data recovery solutions to recover data from pen drives in all data loss situations. We have the option of data recovery services where our experts, by using advanced tools and techniques, can recover up to 100% data even from physically-damaged pen drives. For logical data loss situations, such as data deletion, formatting of pen drive, corruption, etc., we offer DIY pen drive recovery software that can easily recover deleted filesdocuments, photos, videos, audio files, and other data.


Any physical damage caused to pen drive due to mishandling or other reasons might result in data loss. It requires expertise and world-class infrastructure to recover data from damaged pen drives. If your pen drive is physically damaged, contact a trusted data recovery expert for pen drive data recovery.


A pen drive may fail to detect on a system due to physical as well as logical reasons. In such a case, you’ll lose access to all the data stored on the pen drive. You need to seek the help of a data recovery expert to recover data from non-detecting pen drives.


If you’re encountering errors while connecting your pen drive to a system, it indicates that the pen drive is corrupted. This may happen due to unsafe removal of pen drive, file system damage, or other logical problem. You can use Stellar's® DIY pen drive recovery tool to recover data from a corrupt pen drive.


There are instances when you accidentally format the pen drive or delete a file from it, resulting in loss of your important data. In such data loss situations, use advanced data recovery software that can recover all types of data from pen drive, memory card or any storage devices. 


Pen drives are made up of various components that may break under any hazardous circumstance. For instance, short circuits, heavy impacts, etc. may damage the electronic circuit in the pen drive, resulting in data loss. In such a situation, call a trusted pen drive data recovery expert to recover the data. 


Pen drive detecting on the system, but data is not visible? This may happen due to any logical problem. In such situations, contact a reliable pen drive data professional who has expertise in recovering all types of data from such pen drives. 


Malware can damage the program files on pen drives required for their proper functioning. A virus-infected pen drive may become inaccessible, resulting in data loss. We offer data recovery software and services to recover data from such pen drives.   

Recover Data from Pen Drive of All Brands and Models

We offer data recovery software as well as services to recover data from monolithic and traditional NAND flash-based pen drives. Our solutions can help you recover the lost or deleted file from pen drives, regardless of their make and model. We have a proven track record of successfully recovering data from pen drives of all known brands, including SanDisk®, Kingston®, Transcend®, Sony®, Samsung® and others. 

Pen Drive Recovery Solutions

Stellar® provides world-class data recovery solutions to recover data from pen drives. We provide data recovery services to cater to your pen drive data recovery needs in all data loss situations, including physical damage to pen drive, short-circuit, severe corruption, etc. We also provide easy-to-use pen drive data recovery software that can help you recover lost data in logical data loss cases, such as data deletion, formatting, etc


SD cards may get cracked or broken due to mishandling or other reasons, resulting in data loss. Data recovery from broken SD card requires expertise and world-class infrastructure. If your card has cracked, seek the help of expert to recover data from damaged SD Card.


If your SD card has become unreadable, it indicates severe issues with your SD card. To recover data from undetectable SD card, reach out to a data recovery expert who has expertise in handling critical data loss situations. Continue read to know more about SD card not initialized error.


A corrupt SD card may become inaccessible or throw errors, such as " Micro SD card is not formatted. Do you want to format it now?" or SD card having the Bad Sector etc. In such situations, you can use Stellar's® DIY SD card recovery software to recover the data


When the SD card not formatted error occurs, it is best not to tamper the SD card and stop using it to avoid overwriting of data. In such cases, you can use an advanced SD card recovery software to recover the deleted data.


SD cards are made up of electronic circuit which lies underneath the black coating meant for protection and ease of connectivity with various devices. If this circuit gets burnt or the SD card physically damaged, then the card becomes undetectable and you lose the data stored on it. You need an expert to handle such a data loss case.


SD card corruption may happen due to unsafe removal of the card from the device or the device that contains the SD card doesn’t shut down properly. In such cases, you can use Stellar® SD card recovery software to recover the data. This DIY software can recover data from SD card, regardless of the cause of corruption. 


Viruses are malicious codes that may damage the file system on your SD card. If your SD card is infected with the virus or malware, then card becomes inaccessible, resulting in data loss. We offer SD card recovery software and services to recover data from virus infected SD card.   

NAS Data Recovery

Expert Solutions for Every NAS System

Standalone NAS

Stellar efficiently recovers data from standalone NAS units, handling drive failures and accidental deletions with advanced tools and minimal downtime.

Rackmount NAS

Stellar recovers data from rackmount NAS systems, handling complex RAID setups and multi-drive failures with advanced technology for quick, precise restoration.

Unified Storage NAS

Stellar® excels in recovering data from unified storage NAS systems, handling file-based and block-based issues with cutting-edge technology for precise recovery.

Data Recovery From
Seagate® Hard Drives

Recover Data from Seagate®  Hard Drives
in All Data Loss Situations.

Encrypted HDD with Bad Sectors

Lost data from an encrypted Seagate® HDD with bad sectors? This is a complex data loss situation and requires experts’ intervention. We have the required technology and skills to decrypt the encrypted HDD and recover the data safely.

HDD Stopped Working Suddenly

If your external Seagate® HDD stops working all of a sudden or can’t be recognized by your system, it might be due to a problem with the drive hardware, mechanical damage to the components, etc.

Burnt Seagate® HARD DRIVE

Hard drives may get burnt due to sudden power surge, short circuit, excessive usage, etc. It requires expertise and cutting-edge infrastructure to recover data from burnt hard drives. As soon as you sense a smoky or burning smell then call us instantly. 

Seagate® HDD Making Noise

If any weird noise, such as scrapping, popping, loud clicking or grinding coming out of your hard drive, it indicates that the hdd is going to fail. In such a case, you need to contact an experienced data recovery expert to recover your valuable data. 

Formatted Seagate® HDD

If you’ve accidentally or deliberately formatted the Seagate® hard drive, stop using it immediately to prevent data overwriting. Contact a data recovery specialist to effectively and safely recover data from formatted hard drive.

Scratches on Platters

Platters are the magnetic storage components of the hard drive that stores the data. Scratches on platters is a crucial issue and may result in permanent data loss. As soon as you hear the loud clicking sound, contact us for data recovery. 

Virus Attack on Seagate® HDD

Virus or malware attacks can cause irrecoverable damage to the data stored on the hard disk drive. Seek the help of a reliable data recovery expert to recover every bit of data safely from virus-infected hard drive

Corrupted WD Hard Drive

If your WD hard drive gets corrupted, you may lose access to the data stored on it. In such a situation, you need to contact a hard drive data recovery expert for a risk-free recovery of the data from your corrupted WD hard drive. 

WD Hard Drive Making Noise

If your hard drive is making weird noises, like clicking, grinding, buzzing, etc., then these are the symptoms of a failing hard drive. In such a case, immediately stop using the hard drive. If there is a data loss; contact us. 

Physically Damaged WD HDD

Physical damage to the hard disk drive is a complex data loss situation. Recovering data from a physically-damaged HDD requires expertise and state-of-the-art infrastructure. 

WD HDD Not Detected

If your hard drive is not getting detected, then check the USB or SATA cable and the hard drive drivers are updated on the system. If this is not the case, it indicates the hard drive is severely corrupted or physically damaged. 

Bad Sectors on HDD

If you can’t access the data or face data loss due to bad sectors on the hard drive, then do not try to recover it on your own. Contact a reliable hard drive data recovery expert who has the required technology and expertise to recover data from hard drives having bad sectors.

Crashed HDD Heads

The hard drive has the read/write heads that read and write data on the HDD. So, if the heads are crashed, you can’t write and read data on the hard drive. In such a situation, get in touch with a trusted data recovery expert for safe and successful data recovery. 

WD HDD throwing Errors

If your WD hard drive is throwing errors, such as I/O device error, smart hard drive error 301, error code: 2000-0146, etc., it indicates serious issues with your hard drive. You need to be proactive and contact a credible data recovery expert.

Toshiba Hard Disk Drives

Professional Hard Drive Recovery Services

At Stellar Data Recovery we offer professional recovery services for Toshiba hard disk drives. We can retrieve data from a hard drive that is mechanically damaged, or affected by virus and malware. Our experts have huge experience in repairing damaged Toshiba hard disk drives that have suffered data loss due to logical or physical damage.


Hard Drive Undetected 

There are many reasons for this complaint. It might be a broken SATA port, or corrupted firmware. You can try to fix the Toshiba hard disk yourself but if you fail we shall provide reliable data recovery.

Scratched Platter 

This is more complex and needs expert recovery services. The Toshiba hard disk has to be taken apart in a cleanroom and a clone generated. We have the most sophisticated Class 100 clean room in India.

Motor Problems 

The motor has to spin the Toshiba hard drive at exactly 5400 or 7200 RPM) depending on model). Any change and the circuitry cannot read the data. Our experts can change the motor and extract the data in no time.

Bad Sectors 

The Toshiba hard drive is split into sectors. Too many bad sectors prevent data reading and writing. Engineers at Stellar Data Recovery can recover the data and export it to external storage


If the Toshiba hard drive cannot be read it indicates that the system does not recognize the drive. You will get an error message stating “drive not found”. If the problem cannot be solved easily by changing SATA cables and ports, call us immediately. 


This problem happens when the system files stored on your Toshiba hard drive are not accessible to the CPU. the operating system cannot load. Restart your computer. If it does not solve the problem, consult us.


If you have noticed that your Toshiba hard drive is unusually busy or the computer is slow it indicates malware. Viruses can wreak havoc inside your system. It can cause a data breach. Switch the device off and call us for the safe migration of data to a new drive.



File System Corruption

The Master File Table acts as the phonebook of a Toshiba hard drive. If components in it are missing the data cannot be located. We can rectify the situation and remap the File Table. 

Wrong Formatting 

If a negligent person has formatted the wrong Toshiba hard drive it will result in an unreadable disk. At Stellar we specialize in reconstructing a disk from scratch and restoring the information therein. 

Wrong Partition 

If someone is careless while using Disk Management Tool and shrinks the wrong partition on Toshiba hard drive there will be loss of valuable data. Experts at Stellar have long experience and can recover data. 

Bit Locker Encryption 

We can recover data flawlessly from Bit Locker encrypted Toshiba hard drives. Our retrieval can work with different encryption standards. 


If the Toshiba hard drive cannot be read it indicates that the system does not recognize the drive. You will get an error message stating “drive not found”. If the problem cannot be solved easily by changing SATA cables and ports, call us immediately. 


This problem happens when the system files stored on your Toshiba hard drive are not accessible to the CPU. the operating system cannot load. Restart your computer. If it does not solve the problem, consult us. 


If you have noticed that your Toshiba hard drive is unusually busy or the computer is slow it indicates malware. Viruses can wreak havoc inside your system. It can cause a data breach. Switch the device off and call us for the safe migration of data to a new drive.

Hard Drive Recovery


Data Recovery from Internal and External Samsung® Hard Drives

Stellar® offers world-class services to recover data from Samsung® hard drives. Our data recovery experts utilize proprietary technology to salvage data, lost due to any data loss reason, from all types of Samsung® hard drives. We have Class 100 Clean Room lab to ensure safe and secure data recovery. We have a success rate of 80% in recovering data from Samsung® hard drives

External Hard Drive Not Detected

If your Samsung® external hard drive is not detected by your computer, you can’t access the data. This issue may occur if your drive is faulty, corrupt, or damaged. In such a case, you need to seek the help of data recovery services provider who has expertise in recovering data from Samsung® hard drives.

Physically Damaged Samsung® Hard Drive

If your hard drive is making weird noises, like clicking, grinding, buzzing, etc., then these are the symptoms of a failing hard drive. In such a case, immediately stop using the hard drive. If there is a data loss; contact us. 

Samsung® Hard Drive Making Noise

If you experience some unusual sounds from your Samsung® hard drive, stop using it immediately. The sounds such as clicking, buzzing, grinding, etc., indicate that the hard drive is going to fail. In such a scenario, contact professional data recovery service providers.

Corrupt Samsung® Hard Drive

If you cannot access the data on the Samsung® hard drive, perhaps the drive is corrupt. In case of corruption, you need to format the hard drive. We, at Stellar®, offer data recovery services to recover data from the corrupt hard drives

Bad Sectors on Samsung® Hard Drive

If your Samsung® hard drive has developed bad sectors, you’re not able to access data on the drive. Recovering data from hard drive having bad sectors require expertise and professional know-how. Reach out to us. We can recover up to 100% data from Samsung® HDD with bad sectors

Samsung® Hard Drive Throwing Errors

If your Samsung® hard drive is throwing errors, such as I/O device error, smart HDD error 301, blue screen of death error, deleted partition data, etc., we can help you recover your data in such cases. Our data recovery experts have a proven track record of retrieving data from Samsung® external hard drives that are showing errors. 

Ransomware-Affected Samsung® Hard Drive

Ransomware is malicious software that locks and encrypts the drive and restricts access to the data. It is a very serious issue and requires immediate attention. So, contact data recovery experts before it’s too late. Our data recovery experts have experience in recovering data from ransomware-infected hard drives

HGST Hard Drive
Recovery Service

#1 HGST hard drive recovery service
provider in India

We at Stellar have an experience of more than 26 years in data recovery domain and have been recognized for our data recovery solutions. Our world-class infrastructure helps our skilled technicians to deliver up to 100% success rate of recovery from all the models of HGST hard drives. Additionally, our adherence to the International standards and practices assures privacy of your data. Hence, Stellar is amongst the best hard drive recovery service providers in India


HGST Hard Drive Recovery Services

You may lose data from your HGST hard drive because of various reasons such as physical damage, overheating, virus attack, natural disasters, etc. Some other reasons for data loss from HGST hard drive may include situations such as HGST hard drive not getting detected, system unable to boot, etc. Wondering how to recover data from HGST hard drive? Irrespective of the reason for data loss, you can seek the help of our Professional Data Recovery services to recover data. Be it your external or internal HGST hard drive, our experts can recover up to 100% data.

Reaching out to a data recovery expert proactively is the first step to maximize the chances of recovery from your HGST hard drive.

Some of the common HGST hard drive recovery cases that our experts handle are:

  • HGST hard drive not getting detected
  • Formatted hard drive
  • Data deleted from drive
  • Physically crashed HGST drive
  • Corrupt HGST hard drive
  • Burnt HGST hard drive
  • Water damaged drive
  • Drive making unusual noises
  • HGST drive has bad sectors

Seek the help of Stellar Hard Drive Recovery service to maximize data recovery from your HGST hard drive.


Popular Device


    Hard Drive Data Recovery Hard Drive

    Solid State Drive Solid State Drive

    External Hard Drive External Hard Drive

    Pen Drive Pen Drive

    SD Card SD Card

Personal Computer


    Desktop Desktop

    Laptop Laptop

    MacBook MacBook

    Photo, Video, Audio Photo, Video, Audio




Popular Device


    Hard Drive Data Recovery Hard Drive

Hard Drive Data Recovery Services – Raminfotech Data Recovery

Lost your valuable data? At Raminfotech Data Recovery, we specialize in hard drive data recovery, helping you retrieve data from damaged, corrupted, or inaccessible hard drives. With years of expertise since 2007, our certified professionals utilize advanced techniques to recover data safely and efficiently.

Our Hard Drive Data Recovery Services Include:

  • Recovery from Internal & External Hard Drives
  • Support for All Brands (Seagate, Western Digital, Toshiba, etc.)
  • Recovery from damaged, failed, or non-detecting drives
  • Solutions for accidental deletion, formatting, or partition loss


    Solid State Drive Solid State Drive

Solid State Drive (SSD) Data Recovery

At Raminfotech Data Recovery, we specialize in professional SSD data recovery services in Chennai. SSDs are faster and more durable than traditional hard drives, but they can still face issues like physical damage, firmware corruption, power surges, and accidental deletion.

Our expert team is equipped with the latest tools and techniques to recover data from all types of SSDs, including:

  • NVMe SSDs
  • M.2 SSDs
  • PCIe SSDs

Whether it’s personal files, business data, or system-critical information, we can recover your valuable data with a high success rate. Trust us to handle your SSD data recovery needs quickly and securely.



    External Hard Drive External Hard Drive

External Hard Drive Data Recovery Services

At Raminfotech Data Recovery, we specialize in recovering lost or inaccessible data from external hard drives of all brands and models. Whether your data loss is due to accidental deletion, physical damage, formatting, or software corruption, our expert team is equipped with advanced tools and techniques to retrieve your valuable files.

Why Choose Us?

  • Comprehensive Recovery: Recover files such as photos, videos, documents, and more.
  • Support for All Brands: Seagate, Western Digital, Toshiba, Samsung, and more.
  • Quick Turnaround: Efficient recovery to get you back on track.
  • Secure Process: We prioritize data confidentiality and security.

Common Issues We Handle:

  • Accidental deletion or formatting
  • Physical damage or drive failure
  • Power surges or water damage
  • Virus attacks or malware infections

Let us help you restore your precious data. Contact us today to get your external hard drive evaluated and your files recovered!


    Pen Drive Pen Drive

Pen Drive Data Recovery
At Raminfotech Data Recovery, we specialize in Pen Drive Data Recovery to help retrieve lost or inaccessible files from damaged, corrupted, or formatted USB drives. Whether it's due to accidental deletion, virus attacks, or physical damage, our expert team uses advanced tools and techniques to recover your important documents, photos, videos, and more.

We support all types and brands of pen drives with a high success rate, ensuring secure and reliable recovery services. Contact us today to recover your valuable data quickly and efficiently!


    SD Card  

Lost data on your SD card? Raminfotech Data Recovery in Chennai specializes in retrieving lost, deleted, or corrupted files from all types of SD cards, including microSD, SDHC, SDXC, and more. Whether it's photos, videos, audio files, or important documents, we use advanced recovery techniques to restore your data quickly and securely.

Personal Computer



Desktop Data Recovery Services

Lost crucial data on your desktop? Raminfotech Data Recovery specializes in retrieving lost, deleted, or inaccessible files from all desktop models and brands. Whether it’s due to accidental deletion, system crashes, hardware failure, or virus attacks, our expert team ensures quick and secure recovery.

Our Services Include:

  • Recovery from formatted or corrupted desktop hard drives.
  • Data restoration for Windows, macOS, and Linux desktops.
  • Support for all file types: documents, photos, videos, and more.

With a 95% success rate and cutting-edge tools, we bring back what matters most to you.

Contact us today for a free consultation!




At Raminfotech Data Recovery, we specialize in recovering lost or inaccessible data from laptops of all brands and models, including Windows laptops, MacBooks, and Chromebooks. Whether your laptop has experienced physical damage, software corruption, accidental deletion, or virus attacks, our expert team is equipped with the latest tools and techniques to restore your valuable data.

We can recover:

  • Documents, spreadsheets, and presentations
  • Photos, videos, and audio files
  • Email and database files
  • Data from SSDs or traditional hard drives

Trust Raminfotech for fast, reliable, and secure laptop data recovery services.



    MacBook Data Recovery Services

At Raminfotech Data Recovery, we specialize in providing expert MacBook data recovery services in Chennai. Whether your MacBook has suffered from accidental deletion, hardware failure, liquid damage, or system crashes, our skilled team is here to recover your valuable data.

Our Services Include:

  • Recovery from macOS crashes or corruption
  • SSD and hard drive recovery for MacBooks
  • Retrieval of deleted files and folders
  • Recovery from liquid or physical damage
  • Solutions for encrypted or formatted drives

With cutting-edge tools and years of experience, we ensure the highest success rates while maintaining the integrity of your data. Trust us to restore your files quickly and securely!

Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you bring your MacBook back to life



    Photo, Video, Audio Photo, Video, Audio


CCTV/DVR Data Recovery
Recover lost or corrupted video footage from your CCTV or DVR systems with our expert data recovery services. Whether it's accidental deletion, hardware failure, or system corruption, we specialize in restoring critical surveillance data. Our advanced techniques ensure the safe retrieval of video files from various DVR brands and formats. Trust Raminfotech Data Recovery in Chennai for reliable and secure CCTV/DVR data recovery solutions.




    Corrupt file recovery
    Server data recovery
    Solid-state drives
    We have the highest success rate in recovering data from solid state drives. With our professional data recovery...  More
    Advanced Data Recovery
    CCTV/DVR Data Recovery
    If your footage or video is not accessible then, you should go for Professional data Recovery services. We will also...  More
    Cctv Footage Recovery
    Cloud Data Recovery
    We are uniquely positioned to recover your lost data from the cloud. With our industry-recognized technological...  More
    Cloud Storage
    Corrupted Hard Drive
    Crashed Hard Drives
    Customer Support
    Damaged Hard Disk
    Damaged Hard Disks
    Damaged Hard Drive
    Data Disk Degaussing Services
    Data Erasure
    Data Recovery Center
    Data Recovery Centers
    Data Recovery Centre
    Data Recovery Company
    Data Recovery Software
    Data Recovery Solutions
    Data Recovery Specialist
    Data Recovery from Damaged HDD
    Data Security
    Data Wiping Service
    Database Repair
    Device Data Recovery
    Email Data Recovery
    External Drive Data Recovery
    External Hard Disk Recovery Services
    Files Database Repair
    Files File Repair
    Formatting Recovery
    Hard Disk Data Recovery
    Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Data Recovery
    We recover data from not detecting, not responding, damaged hard drives. Our professional services can help you in...  More
    Hard Drive Data Recovery Service
    Hard Drive Data Recovery Software
    Hard Drive Wiping
    Laptop Data Recovery
    Our experts understand the nitty-gritty of data recovery and have access to advanced technology required for...  More
    Laptop/Desktop Data Recovery
    Our experts understand the nitty-gritty of data recovery and have access to advanced technology required for...  More
    MAC Data Recovery
    Memory Card
    Mobile Data Recovery
    NAS Data Recovery
    With Stellar®, you can rest assured that the data stored in your failed NAS system is in safe hands. We have the...  More
    Off-Site Data Erasure Services
    Online Data Recovery
    Pen Drive Data Recovery
    We provide pen drive data recovery services to recover your valuable files from Monolithic USB pen drives and...  More
    Photo Data Recovery
    Lost your memorable photos, images and unable to access them? Don't worry! Stellar Data Recovery ensures 100% recovery...  More
    Photos Recovered
    Professional Data Recovery
    RAID Data Recovery
    We can recover lost data from RAID server, even if several drives in your RAID server have already failed. We know...  More
    Raid Data Recovery
    Ransomware Virus Recovery
    If your Data gets infected by Ransomware virus, recovery of your Data is still possible. Contact the nearest Stellar...  More
    Recover Data from Hard Drive
    Remote Data Recovery
    SD Card Data Recovery
    We recover data from all branded SD cards. (Kingston, Sony, Samsung, SanDisk, Transcend, Lexar etc.). You need...  More
    SSD Data Recovery
    We have the highest success rate in recovering data from solid state drives. With our professional data recovery...  More
    SSD Dismantling Service
    Server Data Recovery
    Software Support
    Solid State Drive (SSD) Data Recovery
    We have the highest success rate in recovering data from solid state drives. With our professional data recovery...  More
    Ssd Data Recovery
    Stellar Data Recovery
    Stellar Data Recovery Data Recovery
    Tape Data Recovery
    We deliver our clients a worry-free data recovery experience by ensuring recovery of up to 100% data from even failed or...  More
    Video Data Recovery
    Get back your deleted or lost videos captured via Mobile, DSLR, Hard Drive, Digital Camera, SD cards etc. We recover...  More
    Video Recovery
    Get back your deleted or lost videos captured via Mobile, DSLR, Hard Drive, Digital Camera, SD cards etc. We recover...  More
    Virtual Server Data Recovery
    In case of data loss, seek the help of our Virtual Machine Data Recovery Services. We can recover your business-critical...  More


Hdd Recover
Iphone Data Recovery
Macbook Data Recovery
Media Pickup
Memory Card Data Recovery
Mobile Data Recovery
Onsite Disk Shredding and Destruction
Onsite Hard Disk and Tape Degaussing
PST Repair Service
Photo Recovery
Photo Recovery Service
Raid Data Recovery
Raid Rebuild
Ransomware Data Recovery
Ransomware Virus Recovery
Remote Data Recovery
San Data Recovery
Server Data Recovery
Ssd Data Recovery
Tape Data Recovery
Us Data Recovery
Video Recovery

  • Flash/USB drives
  • SD cards
  • Corrupt file recovery
  • Camera cards
  • Tablets
  • RAID arrays
  • Data backup services
  • Databases
  • External drives
  • Mobile phones
  • Laptops
  • Server data recovery
  • CDs and DVDs
  • Solid-state drives
  • Removable media and tapes
  • Hard drives
  • Apple Mac Data Recovery
  • Asset Management
  • Backup And Recovery
  • Backup And Restore
  • Computer Forensics
  • Computer Repair
  • Cyber Security
  • Damaged Hard Disk Recovery
  • Damaged Hard Drive
  • Data Backup
  • Data Breach
  • Data Center
  • Data Conversion
  • Data Destruction
  • Data Disaster Recovery
  • Data Erasure
  • Data Management
  • Data Migration
  • Data Protection
  • Data Recovered
  • Data Recovery
  • Data Recovery Center
  • Data Recovery Lab
  • Data Recovery Laboratory
  • Data Recovery Specialists
  • Data Security
  • Data Stored
  • Disk Drive
  • External Hard Disk Data Recovery
  • External Hard Drive Data Recovery
  • External Hdd Recovery
  • Free Consultation
  • Hard Drive Destruction
  • Hard Drive Failure Recovery
  • Hard Drive Recovery Ssd
  • Hdd Data Recovery
  • Information Security
  • Ipad Data Recovery
  • Logical File Recovery
  • Mac Data Recovery
  • Management Services
  • Memory Card Data Recovery
  • Mini Data Recovery
  • Mobile Data Recovery
  • Mobile Device
  • Pen Drive Data Recovery
  • Raid Arrays
  • Raid Data Recovery
  • Research And Development
  • Sd Card Recovery
  • Server Data Recovery
  • Simple Data Recovery
  • Software Solutions
  • Solid State Drives
  • Specialised Services
  • Ssd Data Recovery
  • Wd Hard Drive Data Recovery
    Data recovery service
    • Flash/USB drives
      Data recovery from flash drives or USB drives involves the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or corrupted data from...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • SD cards
      SD card data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or corrupted data from a Secure Digital (SD)...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Corrupt file recovery
      Corrupt file recovery or data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost, damaged, or inaccessible data from...  More
    • Camera cards
      Camera cards, also known as memory cards or SD cards, are commonly used to store digital data in cameras and other...  More
    • Tablets
      Tablets, like any other electronic devices, can be susceptible to data loss due to various reasons such as accidental...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • RAID arrays
      RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is a technology used to combine multiple hard drives into a single logical...  More
      From ₹3,000.00
    • Data backup services
      Data backup services and data recovery are crucial components of any comprehensive data management strategy, helping...  More
      From ₹1,500.00
    • Databases
      Data recovery in the context of databases refers to the process of restoring or recovering lost or corrupted data from a...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • External drives
      Data recovery from external drives involves the process of retrieving lost, deleted, corrupted, or inaccessible data...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Mobile phones
    • Laptops
      Laptop data recovery refers to the process of retrieving and restoring lost, corrupted, or inaccessible data from a...  More
      From ₹3,000.00
    • Server data recovery
      SD card data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or corrupted data from a Secure Digital (SD)...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Solid-state drives
      Data recovery for solid-state drives (SSDs) involves the process of retrieving lost or inaccessible data from these...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Removable media and tapes
      Removable media and tapes are storage devices that have been widely used for data storage and backup purposes. Removable...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Hard drives
      Data recovery from hard drives involves the process of retrieving lost, corrupted, or accidentally deleted data from...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Advanced Data Recovery
      Advanced data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost or inaccessible data from storage devices using...  More
    • Android Phone Recovery
    • Apple data recovery service center
      Apple typically recommends users to back up their data regularly using iCloud or iTunes to prevent data loss. If you...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Audio Photo data recovery
      Audio recovery involves the retrieval of lost or deleted audio files from various storage devices, such as smartphones,...  More
    • Bitlocker Encrypted Drive
    • Cctv Footage Recovery
    • Cf card data recovery
      CompactFlash (CF) cards are a type of removable storage commonly used in digital cameras, camcorders, and other portable...  More
    • Clean Room Lab Recovery
      Clean Room Lab Recovery typically refers to a specialized facility and process used for recovering data from physically...  More
    • Cloud Storage
    • Data Recover Center
    • Data Recovery Center
      A Data Recovery Center (DRC) is a facility or service that specializes in recovering lost, damaged, or corrupted data...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Data Recovery Centre
    • Data Recovery Company
    • Data Recovery Cost
      Data recovery is the process of salvaging or retrieving inaccessible, lost, corrupted, damaged, or formatted data from...  More
    • Data Recovery Hard Disk
    • Data Recovery Hard Drive
    • Data Recovery Lab
    • Data Recovery Location
    • Data Recovery Sites
    • Data Recovery Solutions
      Data recovery refers to the process of restoring or retrieving lost, deleted, corrupted, or inaccessible data from...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Data backup & recovery
      Data backup and recovery are critical components of any robust data management strategy. They help ensure the integrity...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Data recovery service center
      A data recovery service center specializes in the retrieval of lost or inaccessible data from various storage devices...  More
    • Dead Hard Disk
      I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with a dead hard disk. If your hard disk has failed, there are a few...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Desktop data recovery
      Desktop data recovery is a process of retrieving lost, deleted, corrupted, or inaccessible data from a desktop...  More
    • Digital Image Recovery
      Digital Image Recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or corrupted digital image files from storage...  More
    • Digital Photo Recovery
      Digital photo recovery is a specialized process aimed at retrieving lost or deleted digital images from storage media...  More
    • Disk Drive
      A disk drive, commonly known as a hard disk drive (HDD) or solid-state drive (SSD), is a data storage device used in...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Disk Drive Sanitizing
    • Drive Recover
    • Dvr Data Recovery
    • Emergency Data Recovery
      Emergency data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost or inaccessible data under urgent or critical...  More
    • Emergency Recovery
      Emergency recovery data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost or inaccessible data from storage devices...  More
    • Encrypted Data Recovery
      Encrypted data recovery refers to the process of retrieving information from storage media or systems that have been...  More
    • Encryption Data Recovery
      Data recovery in the context of encryption involves the process of retrieving and restoring encrypted data that has been...  More
    • External Drive
    • External Hard Disk Recovery Services
      If you are facing data loss or other issues with your external hard disk and require professional help, you may consider...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • External Hard Disks
    • External Hard Drive
      Data recovery from an external hard drive involves the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or inaccessible data from...  More
    • Format Recovery
      professional format recovery data recovery services, offering expert solutions to retrieve lost or inaccessible data due...  More
    • HDD Data Recovery
      HDD (Hard Disk Drive) data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or inaccessible data from a hard...  More
    • Hard Disk Data Recovery
      Hard disk data recovery is a specialized process designed to retrieve lost or inaccessible data from a computer's hard...  More
      From ₹1,500.00
    • Hard Drive Data Recovery
      Hard drive data recovery is the process of retrieving lost, damaged, corrupted, or inaccessible data from a computer...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Hard disk data recovery service center
      A hard disk service center specializing in data recovery plays a crucial role in retrieving lost or inaccessible data...  More
    • Hard disk recovery
      A data recovery service center specializes in the retrieval of lost or inaccessible data from various storage devices...  More
    • Hdd Data Recovery
    • Hitachi Data Recovery
    • Laptop Data Recovery
      Laptop data recovery is the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or inaccessible data from a laptop's storage media,...  More
    • Laptop hard disk data recovery
      Data recovery from a laptop hard disk involves the process of retrieving lost or inaccessible data from a storage...  More
    • Logical Data Recovery
    • Logical Recovery
      Logical data recovery is a process of retrieving lost or inaccessible data from storage devices, such as hard drives,...  More
    • Mac Data Recovery
      Mac data recovery is the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or inaccessible data from a Mac computer or storage...  More
    • Mac Laptop SSD Data Recovery
      Mac Laptop SSD Data Recovery Data recovery on a Mac laptop SSD (Solid State Drive) involves the process of retrieving...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Mac Onboard ssd data recovery
      Recovering data from an onboard SSD on a Mac involves a few steps. Keep in mind that data recovery is not always...  More
    • MacBook data recovery
      Data recovery for a MacBook involves the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or inaccessible data from the storage...  More
    • Media Pick Up
    • Memory Card
      Memory card data recovery is the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or inaccessible data from a memory card. Memory...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Memory Card Recovery
      Memory card recovery is a process that involves retrieving lost, deleted, or corrupted data from a memory card. Memory...  More
    • NAS Data Recovery
      NAS (Network Attached Storage) Data Recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost or inaccessible data from a...  More
    • NAS Storage data recovery
      Data recovery from NAS (Network Attached Storage) involves the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or inaccessible data...  More
    • Nas Box Data Recovery
      A Network Attached Storage (NAS) box is a device that allows multiple users and computers to share and store data on a...  More
    • Operating system Data Recovery
      Operating system data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost or inaccessible data from a computer's storage...  More
    • Partition Recover
    • Password Recovery
      Password recovery refers to the retrieval of lost or forgotten passwords associated with user accounts or encrypted...  More
    • Personal Computer
      Data recovery for personal computers involves the process of retrieving lost, deleted, corrupted, or inaccessible data...  More
    • Photo data recovery
      Photo data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or corrupted photos from digital storage devices...  More
    • Physical Data Recovery
    • Portable USB Recovery
      A Portable USB Recovery is likely a term referring to a tool or software designed to recover data from USB drives or...  More
    • RAID Server Recovery
      RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is a storage technology that combines multiple physical disk drives into a...  More
    • Raid Data Recovery
      Hardware Failure: Malfunctioning of one or more disk drives in the RAID array. Controller Failure: Issues with the RAID...  More
      From ₹5,000.00
    • Raid Recovery
    • Ram Infotech Data Recovery
    • Raminfotech Data Recovery Center
    • Raminfotech data recovery
      Raminfotech is a company based in Chennai, India, known for providing data recovery services. However, I don't have...  More
      From ₹3,000.00
    • Ransomware Attack Data Recovery
    • Ransomware Recovery
      Ransomware recovery and data recovery involve the process of restoring and retrieving data that has been compromised,...  More
    • Recover Data From Formatted
    • Recover Lost Data
      Data recovery is the process of retrieving lost, corrupted, or accidentally deleted data from storage devices such as...  More
    • Recovery Memory Card
    • Recovery Pen Drive
    • Recovery Storage
    • Remote Data Recovery
    • Remote Support
    • Retrieve Data
    • SD Card data recovery service
      A Secure Digital (SD) card data recovery service specializes in retrieving lost, deleted, or corrupted data from SD...  More
    • SD card data recovery
      SD card data recovery is a process aimed at retrieving lost or deleted data from a Secure Digital (SD) card, which is a...  More
    • Samsung Data Recovery
    • Seagate Data Recovery
    • Security Cameras
      Data recovery for security cameras typically involves retrieving lost, deleted, or corrupted footage from the storage...  More
    • Server Recovery
    • Solid State Drive
      Solid State Drives (SSDs) store data using NAND-based flash memory, and data recovery from SSDs can be more complex...  More
    • Ssd Data Recovered
      Data recovery from an SSD (Solid State Drive) involves the process of retrieving lost or inaccessible data from the...  More
    • Ssd Data Recovery
      Solid State Drives (SSDs) are storage devices that use NAND-based flash memory to store data. Unlike traditional Hard...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • Storage Solution
      A storage solution's data recovery refers to the process of retrieving and restoring data that has been lost, corrupted,...  More
    • Toshiba Data Recovery
    • Us Data Recovery
      US Data Recovery" appears to be a company or service related to data recovery
    • Video Audio data recovery
      Data recovery for video and audio files involves the process of retrieving lost, corrupted, or deleted multimedia data...  More
    • Video Restoration
    • Video Surveillance
      Video surveillance data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or corrupted video footage from...  More
    • Video data recovery
      Video data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or corrupted video files from storage devices...  More
    • Videos Recovery
    • Water Damage
    • Wd Data Recovery
    • Western digital Data Recovery service center
      Western Digital is a well-known manufacturer of computer hard drives and other storage devices. They provide a range of...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • acer laptop harddisk data recovery
      Data recovery is the process of retrieving or restoring data that has been lost, accidentally deleted, corrupted, or...  More
    • asus laptop harddisk data recovery
      Data recovery on an ASUS laptop's hard disk involves the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or inaccessible data from...  More
    • bitlocker encrypted hdd
      If your hard drive is not spinning, it indicates a critical hardware failure that may pose a challenge for data...  More
    • corrupt sd card virus/malware infection
      Inability to access files on the SD card. Unusual error messages when attempting to open or copy files. Files appear...  More
      From ₹1,500.00
    • data recovery
      Data recovery is the process of retrieving or restoring data that has been lost, accidentally deleted, corrupted, or...  More
    • data recovery guduvachery
      Data recovery refers to the process of retrieving or restoring lost, corrupted, or inaccessible data from storage media...  More
    • data recovery service
      A data recovery service is a specialized service that aims to retrieve and restore lost or inaccessible data from...  More
    • dell laptop harddisk data recovery
      Data recovery for a Dell laptop's hard disk involves the process of retrieving lost or inaccessible data from the...  More
    • desktop hard drive data recovery services
      Desktop hard drive data recovery services are specialized solutions designed to retrieve lost or inaccessible data from...  More
    • disk partition recovery
      disk partition recovery
    • external hard drive data recovery
      Data recovery from an external hard drive involves the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or corrupted data from the...  More
    • formatted hard disk recovery
      formatted hard disk recovery
    • hard drive does not spin
      hard drive does not spin May Head problem solved
    • hard drive not detected
      Professional Data Recovery Services: If the data on the hard drive is crucial, and software solutions fail, consider...  More
      From ₹1,500.00
    • hard drive with scratched platter
      hard drive with scratched platter
    • hgst data recovery
      HGST, now known as Western Digital, is a well-known manufacturer of hard disk drives (HDDs) and solid-state drives...  More
      From ₹3,000.00
    • hgst data recovery center
      HGST (Hitachi Global Storage Technologies) is a manufacturer of hard disk drives and solid-state drives. However, I do...  More
    • hgst data recovery service center
      HGST (Hitachi Global Storage Technologies) is a brand that was acquired by Western Digital. HGST was known for its...  More
      From ₹3,000.00
    • hp laptop harddisk data recovery
      If you need to recover data from an HP laptop hard disk, you can follow these general steps. Please note that data...  More
    • laptop hard drive data recovery services
      Laptop hard drive data recovery services specialize in retrieving data from damaged, corrupted, or inaccessible laptop...  More
      From ₹3,000.00
    • laptop hdd making noise
      If you're dealing with a formatted hard disk and need to recover data, it's essential to approach the situation...  More
    • msi laptop harddisk data recovery
      If you need to perform data recovery on an MSI laptop's hard disk, follow these general steps. Keep in mind that data...  More
    • nvme data recovery
      SSD (Solid State Drive) firmware corruption can result in data loss and operational issues with the SSD. Firmware is a...  More
    • physically damaged laptop
      BitLocker is a disk encryption program included with Windows operating systems. If you have a BitLocker-encrypted hard...  More
    • raid server data recovery
      RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is a technology that combines multiple physical hard drives into a single...  More
    • samsung data recovery
      Samsung data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost, deleted, or inaccessible data from Samsung devices such...  More
    • samsung data recovery center
      Samsung itself does not have a centralized "Samsung Data Recovery Center" specifically for data recovery services....  More
    • samsung data recovery service center
      Samsung data recovery service centers are facilities that specialize in retrieving lost or inaccessible data from...  More
      From ₹3,000.00
    • seagate data recovery
      Seagate data recovery refers to the process of retrieving lost, damaged, or inaccessible data from Seagate hard drives...  More
    • seagate data recovery center
      Seagate Data Recovery Center refers to a service provided by Seagate, a prominent manufacturer of hard drives and...  More
    • sony laptop harddisk data recovery
      Data recovery for a Sony laptop hard disk involves the process of retrieving lost or inaccessible data from the storage...  More
    • ssd firmware corruption
      Data recovery from a physically damaged laptop can be a challenging and delicate process. The extent of the damage will...  More
    • toshiba data recovery
      Data recovery for Toshiba involves the process of retrieving lost, deleted, corrupted, or inaccessible data from Toshiba...  More
    • toshiba data recovery service center
      Professional Data Recovery Services: If your data loss is due to a hardware failure, consider professional data recovery...  More
      From ₹2,000.00
    • water damaged laptop
      If your laptop HDD (Hard Disk Drive) is making unusual noises, it could indicate a potential issue with the drive. These...  More
    • western digital data recovery
      NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express) is a high-performance interface protocol designed for accessing and managing storage...  More
    • western digital data recovery center
      Western Digital, a well-known manufacturer of data storage solutions, does provide data recovery services through its...  More




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      Google My Business Cover Photo Size & Examples (2024 Guide)

      The recommended Google My Business cover photo size is 1024 x 576 pixels (16:9 aspect ratio). The minimum size is 480 x 270 pixels, and the maximum size is 2120 x 1192 pixels. Following these dimensions and aspect ratio allows the image to display properly in Google Search & Maps.

      In some cases, you may want to try the following dimensions:

      • 854 x 480 pixels
      • 960 x 540 pixels
      • 1280 x 720 pixels
      • 1366 x 768 pixels

      The recommended Google My Business logo size is 720 x 720 pixels, and should be uploaded as a JPG or PNG file that’s between 10KB and 5MB in size. Once uploaded and properly sized, the logo will display in search engine results and next to replies for reviews.

      Here’s the recommended Google My Business logo size and file type:

      • Image size / resolution: 720px x 720px (square)
      • File type: PNG (this ensures quality is not lost upon upload)
      • File size: 10KB – 5MB


      Here’s a list of the different types of photos that can be uploaded:

      • Cover: The prominent image that displays in Google search
      • Logo: The image that displays next to the business name in Google search
      • Interior: Photos of your business’s interior
      • Exterior: Building, parking lot, or other photos that showcase the storefront or customer
        accessible areas located outside the building
      • At Work: On-the-job photos that are project related (job sites) or results driven (case study or success stories)
      • Team: Photos of an employee our group photos
      • 360: Virtual photos taken by a Google My Business-verified photographer that show a 360 degree view
      • Once you’ve created your Google My Business listing and it has been verified, you’ll be able to upload images, videos, and create products and posts. Google provides the following recommendations about the types of photos:

      • 3x exterior photos to help customers recognize your business.
      • 3x interior photos to show customers what your business feels like inside.
      • 3x product / services photos to show what your business sells.
      • 3x photos of your most popular guest rooms.
      • 3x employee photos showing your management team and employees.
      • 1x photo of each of your common areas.



      Follow this checklist and examples to optimize on-page SEO for local landing pages: